Marketing that works

Today thousands of business are losing money as the result of poor marketing practices as well as not thinking out of the box.

Dream Team Marketing a division of TriTella has established new and innovated ways to expand marketing for Remodelers, Telecom Companies, and many others simply by changing how the services are presented to the end user.

What is Marketing
It is said, "Marketing is about building your brand and building your bottom line."  Marketing is awareness, it is engagement and it is about growth.  Marketing is the process of teaching consumers why they should choose your product or service over your competitors. If you are not doing that, you are not marketing. It’s that simple! The key is finding the right marketing method and defining the right marketing message to use to educate and influence your consumers.

Companies make the mistake of thinking that marketing is just “one” thing, but marketing is everything that the consumer encounters when it comes to your business, from advertising, to what they hear, to the customer service that they receive, to the follow-up care that you provide.

It’s all marketing and creating the decision within the consumer whether or not to choose you initially or for repeat business. Marketing is often confused with advertising and sales, but it is important to know the key differences.

Why does Marketing Matter?
It matters because it is the lifeblood of any organization.
