Film maker brings new insights

Preston Heights is a man of many talents and skillsets. Known mostly as a filmmaker, drone pilot, investor, and overall businessman. I like to invest time in things and good people and projects that bring an ROI (return on investment) I don't consider myself religious but more so spiritual keeping all things in a higher spiritual frequency. The Money Guru Manifesto will show you how to become your own guru. As my way of giving back to mankind and human, I employ ideas and give a detailed blueprint on how he became successful. I am ONLY successful because I put action behind my thoughts and dreams he states. If you take note and apply theses principles spoken on this channel you too will begin to take hold of your dreams and put action where you put faith in your ideas. Action equals awesomeness! His latest and greatest project is entitled Choose The Right Path. The title is the name of the documentary and the start of a new movement called #Choosetherightpath the movement. As a motivational speaker Preston goes around the world speaking to youth about following there dreams and passions and the flip side of not pursuing your dreams. When he is not speaking he is preparing material to present on subjects via podcast and his new YouTube channel The Money Guru Manifesto.
