How help low income areas bringing Fresh Vegetables

 After COVID and during this great divide it's critical that people with care and a desire for giving, as well as activism, step up to make changes.  This organization has come up with a novel and mobile way to deliver food to areas under-served with healthy foods. 

#veggies #food #activism #charity #donation #healthyfood

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Healthy food In Anderson IL 

The Funded Project meets with the founders of The Redwood Foundation to learn about soul fest and other projects underway in Anderson Indiana. The Funded Project helps small businesses have access to resources normally reserved for large businesses. The host, Rick has helped over 30,000 businesses and saved over one million jobs in his career in the business development industry and owns Circle City Magazine and Metromedia Funding Solutions.

Learn about local Activism 

Scott Palcher reports on stories that affect people. 
